Mission statement

Vision of Better Nigeria (BN)

Bridging the gap between the government and the people of Nigeria in order to promote good governance.

To engender a country whose governance is based on global best practices brought about by strong institutions which promote high ethical standards and welfare of Nigerians everywhere.

Mission of Better Nigeria (BN)

To promote awareness of individual responsibilities of all stakeholders in the project Nigeria by elevating the Office of the Citizen.


  • Advocacy on integrity, fairness, accountability, transparency, excellence, and the preservation of our environment by those in governance in Nigeria
  • Creating for a continuous conversation with regulatory institutions on appropriate rules and standards to be implemented for better governance of our Nation.
  • Providing resources and information to support good governance in Nigeria.
  • Encouraging the different arms of government to adopt and implement strategies and tactics that will enshrine good governance in Nigeria.
  • Providing support and suggestions on how civil servants can create a public sector that is more transparent, inclusive, participatory and citizen centered, which is constantly cognizant of, responsive to and answerable for the needs and aspirations of the ordinary people.

And, we celebrate our culture