About Nigeria

Nigeria, the most populous black nation on earth got her independence from the British Empire in 1960. After independence in 1960, politics were marked by coups and mostly military rule. In 1999, a new constitution was adopted and a peaceful transition to civilian government was completed.

Nigeria is currently experiencing its longest period of civilian rule since independence. However, the country continues to grapple with the mechanics of democracy. There is a massive gap between the government and the governed due to broken promises of the dividends of democracy.

To build the trust of the people of Nigeria in the Rule of Law and enable an avenue to entrench good governance, there needs to be a common ground of shared beliefs. Better Nigeria (BN) Organization provides a platform where such shared beliefs can be developed and nurtured by Nigerians for better Nigeria.

Brief Geography of Nigeria

Geography Now! NIGERIA

How the 36 Nigerian States got their names

Nigerians in Diaspora: USA

Top Ten States In USA With The Most Nigerians
Nigeria’s potential: Perceptive from a Nigerian in diaspora

Not to know is bad;

not to wish to know is worse

– Nigerian proverb