Code of Conduct



  1. All currently enrolled members, are eligible to be voting members
  2. All members who are not in attendance of one-third of the total scheduled meetings in the preceding 12 months will not be considered to vote or voted for in any election except for cogent reasons and excuses that were previously approved by the organization
  3. All members are required to demonstrate support for the purpose of the organization
  4. Membership decisions will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, ethnicity, religion, sex, gender identity, pregnancy, disability, age, medical condition (cancer-related), ancestry, marital status, citizenship, sexual orientation, or status as a Vietnam-era or special disabled veteran
  5. All members are required to respect and abide to the guideline for posting information in the BN WhatsApp chat forum


  1. All members are eligible to attend all meetings and events of this organization
  2. If a fee is charged to attend a particular event, the membership will establish a fee scale for members as appropriate.
  3. Every member has the right to represent the interest of the organization anywhere and anytime but he or she will need an approval from the president and two other members of the executives.


  1. Members may have their membership withdrawn for failure to adhere to the requirements for membership as stated above
  2. A simple majority vote of the quorum of membership as a regular or special meeting shall be sufficient to withdraw membership.
  3. Members to be voted upon in this regard will be notified of the intention to do so in writing at least once week prior to the meeting at which the vote will be taken.


The primary goal of the BN WhatsApp Forum is to freely and respectfully exchange thoughts and ideas, and to share and discuss news and current events to support the mission of BN and no more.

Before you post on the platform, please determine first that it will further the mission of BN.

Please keep comments respectful and be mindful of offensive language. Be on your best behavior and treat others as you’d like to be treated. You don’t have to agree with each other, but let’s all agree to respectfully disagree and move on.

While we highly honor and respect everyone’s right to exercise their freedom of speech, we don’t tolerate individuals abusing their freedom as a crux to “justify” their bad behavior or engage in activities that negate BN’ s mission.

Our moderation team consists of only a handful of people, and we’re not immediately made aware if someone violates the rules implemented. If you see someone violating our rules and regulations, please kindly bring it to our attention and provide us the user’s post, phone number, and the offense committed by the posting.